
Home Essentials Glycerol BP 100% 200ml

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Home Essentials Glycerol BP 100%  200ml

Glycerol can thin a gluggy nail polish, help remove stubborn stains from clothing and moisturise the skin. Size: 100ml, 200ml


Uses & Tips

Stain remover: Sponge stain and leave for 3-4 hours then wash as normal.

Skin moisturiser: Apply diluted with an equal amount of water.

Cosmetics: Add a few drops to nail polish or mascara to help thin product that has gone gluggy.

Cut flowers: Add a couple of teaspoons to the water to prolong flower life.

Defrosting: After defrosting your freezer wipe it with Home Essentials Glycerol, next time you defrost the ice will slip off in sheets. 

Fridge cleaning: Wipe the inside of your cleaned fridge with Home Essentials Glycerol, to help make spills easier to wipe off next time.



Disclaimer: Whilst we have taken all reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of this information, we cannot guarantee the suitability of any product for any particular purpose. We accept no liability for any loss or damage arising from direct or indirect reliance upon information contained within this Home Essentials handy hints guide. The information contained herein is intended for educational purposes only, it is not intended to replace qualified medical healthcare.

Important note on stain removal: Before you begin, remove as much of the solids as possible, and blot up as much liquid as possible. Dab the stain, don't rub. Begin at the outer edge of the stain, working your way towards the centre. If possible apply treatment from the back of the fabric. Be cautious with application, by applying too much solvent or rubbing too vigorously you risk spoiling the fabric. Never strengthen solutions if they don't work. Always rinse fabric and let dry before trying another remedy. If you decide to take fabric to a professional cleaner, tell them what caused the stain and what home treatments you have already tried.

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